kerfuffle in a hurricane

At a roundabout four kilometres from the home of my friends and eighteen minutes before the hurricane arrived Moto Gelato picked a fight with a Yaris. The Yaris, in the wrong lane, ignoring the legal right of way, and driven by a young person who was not a man, also ignored Gelato's turn signal and clipped the rear wheel. To the roadbed, and then pulled upright by me and a passing stranger to find nothing amiss except the mirror skewed and the fact the bike would not start. 
The hurricane descending, street lamps bending and garbage strewn from upended bins, I had not the heart to dig out tools and look for a fix. So a call to the Motor Racer Garage and Cafe here in Wroclaw and a pick up van arrived in a trice.
Not easy, the moving of the bike into the van with 100 kph winds howling, but it was done, and bike whisked away to be repaired overnight. 
The clutch sensor fixed, again, Gelato in fine fettle, the hurricane headed east, so I'll follow it in the morning.

At a roundabout four kilometres from the home of my friends and eighteen minutes before the hurricane arrived Moto Gelato picked a fight with a Yaris. The Yaris, in the wrong lane, ignoring the legal right of way, and driven by a young person who was not a man, also ignored Gelato's turn signal and clipped the rear wheel. To the roadbed, and then pulled upright by me and a passing stranger to find nothing amiss except the mirror skewed and the fact the bike would not start.

The hurricane descending, street lamps bending and garbage strewn from upended bins, I had not the heart to dig out tools and look for a fix. So a call to the Motor Racer Garage and Cafe here in Wroclaw and a pick up van arrived in a trice.

Not easy, the moving of the bike into the van with 100 kph winds howling, but it was done, and bike whisked away to be repaired overnight.

The clutch sensor fixed, again, Gelato in fine fettle, the hurricane headed east, so I'll follow it in the morning.



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